This vulnerability means you have to think defensively, ensuring your planeswalker can utilize their abilities without being overwhelmed. It’s a thrilling challenge to balance offense and defense, making every move count. Building a deck around a planeswalker commander is not just about the power of the cards. It’s about creating a strategy that reflects your play style and maximizes the potential of your commander.
Can legendary planeswalkers be commanders?
Balancing a deck with a planeswalker commander is like solving a fascinating puzzle. You need to consider not only the strengths of your commander but also their vulnerabilities. Since planeswalkers can be attacked directly by creatures, it’s important to include cards that protect them. This could mean having creatures with “defender” or spells that can remove threats. Following this, other sets also introduced planeswalkers with the capability to be commanders. For instance, the Commander 2018 edition brought in more such planeswalkers, expanding the options for players.
You can freely have two planeswalkers of the same type on the battlefield at once. As of the current rules they function precisely the same as all other legendary permanents. Compared to creatures, there aren’t many legendary Planeswalkers that work well as commanders.
However, their vulnerability to direct attacks also requires a deck to have protective measures, which can balance their power level. Firstly, it’s crucial to align your deck with the unique abilities of your planeswalker commander. For instance, if your commander excels in creating creature tokens, your deck should capitalize on this strength.
Commanders and Identity
Control magic, and a few select vampires are able to pull it off. That lifelink counter though, slapped on an eldrazi means substantial gains for the -1 ability. I hope you have a chance to play with a powerful Sorin like this since it might be the strongest one.
Chandra’s aggressive abilities make her a formidable choice, leading to diverse deck archetypes. The Unluckiest Planeswalker was first depicted in a cycle of Curses featured in Commander 2017, each depicting a different plane. He was later also depicted on Flame Blitz in Modern Horizons 2.
You can also use pillowfort-type cards to discourage attacking your planeswalkers. Cards like Norn’s Annex and Sphere of Safety can be effective in protecting your planeswalkers. I got in an argument with someone at school over this, they insisted because they were older than me and played longer that they knew better. I explained that they could not, I showed them the rules, I showed them planeswalkers that COULD be commanders and it was stated explicitly, but he stuck to using Nahiri. The rules didn't convince him and the club was mostly newbies so I am coming here to try and settle this.
Loyalty abilities of planeswalkers are also activated abilities. Bound in Gold doesn’t stop static abilities from affecting the game, and it doesn’t stop triggered abilities from triggering. In September 2014, the “Banned as Commander” rule was eliminated, and Braids was fully banned, along with Erayo and Rofellos.
Adding Legendary Planeswalkers as rulers has made Commander games more interesting. It gives players more options to be creative and try new strategies. Players can explore vast possibilities with Planeswalkers in Commander format.
These shifting alliances and negotiations add an intriguing layer of diplomacy and strategy to the game. Incorporating cards that synergize with your commander’s abilities can also amplify your deck’s effectiveness. For example, if your planeswalker commander can draw additional cards, include cards that benefit from having a large hand size or cards that allow you to play multiple lands per turn. In conclusion, while not every planeswalker can be a commander, those that can bring unique strategies and challenges to the commander format. This selective approach by the game designers shows a thoughtful balance between innovation and tradition, keeping the game engaging for both new and veteran players. Each of these planeswalkers offers a different approach to the commander game, allowing players to explore various strategies and styles.
If a planeswalker’s loyalty is 0, it’s put into its owner’s mtg decks graveyard as a state-based effect. Deathtouch is a static ability that causes 1 point of damage of the source with deathtouch to kill any creature it deals damage to (unless that creature is indestructible). This does not apply to Planeswalkers, because they are not creatures. You’ll need an additional ability like that of Vraska, Swarm’s Eminence . There’s a competitive EDH deck out there that essentially goes infinite with Teferi, Temporal Archmage, The Chain Veil, and a couple mana rocks. You don’t have to be a hyper-competitive player to enjoy playing it, though.
Why play Cromat or Kenrith, the Returned King when Golos can perform either duty much better? Golos quickly pushed niche decks and quirky commanders to the wayside, resulting in a homogenization of the format as a whole. That said, Commander is intended to be a format played casually for fun with friends — the official EDH site's Philosophy section says as much. That same section explicitly encourages people to make exceptions or changes to the rules for local play if it's fun. Unless you're in some kind of official sanctioned event, adherence to the Commander rules is only necessary insofaras you and your friends find it fun. Yes, but planeswalkers have their own version of the Legend rule.
Is command tower legal in brawl?
Sorry, but this planeswalker commander just isn't interesting enough for me. The command zone experienced a fundamental change with the release of Commander 2014. You can select a planeswalker as your commander, a whole set of EDH rules and questions come into play.